Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Practicing

I have to admit that pretty much as soon as this picture was taken Husband looked at me and wanted me to save him, he has no clue what he's doing. Oh his time is coming.

More Wordless Wednesday can be found here.


  1. I notice that with my husband too! It's nice to know I am not the only one. Before the wee ones were born he had SO much to say about raising kids and how he just KNEW more. HAH! Funny how all that disappeared with twins. ;)

  2. haha! So true! We talk about how we want to raise baby girl but I always follow it up with "But who knows what we'll really be like, this is us talking without kids." He doesn't get that, he thinks nothing will change. Oh's going to be interesting.

  3. It looks like you captured a moment you will cherish forever. (and might even show up in wedding photographs one day? ;) ) congratulations. It's a great shot. =D

  4. Thanks Lissaslongyarn! I have a feeling I will be showing it to this little guy once he's older..I have lots of cool photo's to share at all the nephews weddings. lol
